Welcome to Indiana INdicators

With a wealth of health-related indicators, progress measurements, news and promising practices, everyone in Indiana now has the most current information at their fingertips to guide them in their work to create healthy communities. 


Indiana Health Dashboard

A snapshot of the health indicators important to Indiana and its counties.  These indicators are also portable – you can click on the “gear” to save the image, download the data, or link through your own website.  Plus, you can build your own indicator report. Better still, the data are automatically updated whenever new source data hit the database.

Community Engagement

Who’s doing what across Indiana to improve health?  Public health departments and hospitals are key to informing and improving health for their communities.  Here you can access guidelines, community tools, and find community benefit reports, needs assessments and more by just clicking on the map.


Maps & Data

Want more data?  Want maps?  Our map tool allows you to view the Indicators visually, while the profiles provide a clear, concise set of information for each county and Health District across the state.  And, you can create your own neighborhood profiles using the Build a Neighborhood profile tool.