Community Engagement

This page provides additional information and resources your organization can use to improve the health of your community. It includes links to process guidance for performing community health needs assessments (CHNA) and developing community health improvement plans (CHIP); specific tools for hospitals and communities; and completed CHNAs, CHIPs and Community Benefit Reports from across Indiana.

pdfNew State Health Assessment and Improvement Plan 2022 to 2026

Access to Care Scorecard

Health Outcomes Scorecard
Infrastructure Scorecard
Preventive Care Scorecard
Social Determinants of Health Scorecard

Research IconProcess Guidelines

Research IconHospital and Community Tools

Profiles IconState Health Plans

Research IconCHNAs, CHIPs and Community Benefit Reports

Zoom in and click on an icon to view reports by hospital or at the county/regional level.

If you do not see your community report, please email
Last updated: May 2023.